Software That’s Smartware
The ROV’s software smarts enables precision station-keeping and hold functions where the SRV-8 can be locked onto a specific heading, depth or pitch angle.
Logging of vehicle Position Data with HD Video Playback
The SubNav™ software enables logging of all available data for post mission analysis and playback. Operators are able to evaluate vehicle dynamics and position information for improved situational awareness both during and after the mission with logged data synchronized to the HD video timeline.
Playback Scrubbing with Video and Depth-log Timeline
Mission playback on the SRV-8 provides the ability to review post mission video in fine detail with a scrubbing function that allows you to quickly highlight the area of importance and complete analysis quickly and efficiently. No waiting for video playback.
HD Display + Recording
The SubNav™ software enables real time streaming of the HD video from the ROV which can be used as a secondary display, or to record the 1080p video for later playback and review.
Vehicle Orientation, Lights and Thruster Command Indicators
The SubNav™ software enables real time streaming of the HD video from the ROV which can be used as a secondary display, or to record the 1080p video for later playback and review.
The SRV-8 software provides consistent information on what the SRV-8 is doing and how it’s performing. The ability to see full attitude (pitch, yaw, roll), camera tilt angle, thruster input, and light intensity enables the operator to monitor performance and adjust command and control as necessary to achieve the best mission outcome.
Short video clip creation for HD video and logged data
During post mission playback of recorded video, the SRV-8 software provides the function to export smaller mission files and video clips.
An operator can identify sections of the mission that are of interest and select only that portion of the mission to be exported to a separate file and video clip. Useful for including specific information in mission reports, or enabling the ability to share video excerpts.
Waypoint Creation and Mission Planning Features
The navigation aspect of the SRV-8 software provides an intuitive interface to support mission planning and waypoint creation. Customizable map backgrounds and waypoint tools enable simplified creation of mission plans and location marking.
Waypoint and marker dialog provides customizable input to provide specifics of each item useful to the operator during and after the mission.
Geo-Reference and Navigation Support
With optional positioning systems available, such as RJE’s Standard or Advanced Navigation Packages, the SRV-8 software provides mission support by displaying real time positional information feedback of the ROV relative to the operators location with the ability to easily see navigation and video at the same time.
Navigational reference information can be viewed as a primary or secondary display enabling the user to customize views to their preference.
Event Creation: Points of Interest and Data Entry
During a mission, operators have the ability to log events that are important to the mission. See a target of interest? Hit the event button to record all data relative to that target at the time of the event, such as water depth, time and position (if equipped with Blueprint Subsea’s Seatrac or other USBL Navigation systems).
Event logging can be done in real time during the mission but can also be performed during mission playback.
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